My tech consulting company:

My writing:
The American Conservative
The American Interest (2017 pdf, 2018 pdf)
National Affairs (online, subscribers only), pdf (preprint galley), (mention in National Review)
Institute for Family Studies
American Affairs
Quillette, (Italian translation), (French translation), (mention in Le Monde)
National Association of Scholars
New English Review
Taste of Cinema
The Imaginative Conservative, (Portuguese translation)
The Epoch Times (Vietnamese translation)

Technical books:
Dive Into Algorithms (Penguin Random House) (Barnes & Noble) (University of Oxford Libraries)
Dive Into Data Science (Penguin Random House) (Barnes & Noble)
Applied Unsupervised Learning with R (pdf)
[New analytics/ML/AI textbook] [under contract with Sage]

The Color of Snow
The Treasure

New English Review
[Irreantum - Coming Soon]

Translations of Dive Into Algorithms:
Zanurz się w algorytmach
Алгоритмы неформально. Инструкция для начинающих питонистов
アルゴリズムをめぐる冒険: 勇敢な初学者のためのPythonアドベンチャ
알고리듬 세계에 뛰어들기 [용감한 초보를 위한 파이썬 어드벤처]
Au coeur des algorithmes: Les bases de la programmation avec Python

My patents:
US 11,068,477: NLP for data extraction
US 11,651,314: Attrition risk

My MIT Course:
MIT Applied Data Science Program

My research:
Journal of Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Academy of Management Journal (SSRN)
Academy of Management Proceedings
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
JAMA Network Open
HBS Working Paper 16-090
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

My translations:
LDS General Conference 1 (Malay)
LDS General Conference 2 (Malay)
LDS General Conference 3 (Malay)

My videos:
ESL for Burmese speakers #1
ESL for Burmese speakers #2

Iban Language
Crackpots in Science
The Early History of Computer Viruses
The Eradication of Malware

Email: contact at